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Multiple Github Custom Domains

Today we’re going to share with you the way to use multiple github custom domains as we did with our teracy-official organization account.

As we know, there are two types of github pages: user/ organization pages and project pages 1. Our organization account is located at: https://github.com/teracy-official

By default, http://teracy-official.github.io will point to teracy-official.github.io’s master branch. And teracy-official.github.io/<project_name> will point to the project’s gh-pages branch if it’s available.

With our requirements, we don’t want to use http://teracy-official.github.io but http://teracy.com and http://teracy.org only. That’s why we have to setup multiple github custom domains 2.

1. Problems

From the very first days, we setup blog.teracy.com to map to the organization page at teracy-official.github.io repository. We could get what we want by:

  • adding CNAME blog.teracy.com with alias teracy-official.github.io via DNS manager
  • adding CNAME file with ‘blog.teracy.com’ content to teracy-official.github.io/tree/master/CNAME

However, by default, this domain will be used for all other project pages if you don’t specify th project custom domains.

For example, by setting up like above and we have teracy-dev project with gh-pages branch. When we access teracy-official.github.io/teracy-dev, it will be redirected to blog.teracy.com/teracy-dev project page by github custom domain mechanism, and this was not what we expected.

We also want teracy-dev project page should be served by http://teracy-dev.teracy.org, it’s also every easy just configure CNAME and add CNAME file to gh-pages branch like we did with the blog configuration above:

  • add CNAME teracy-dev.teracy.org with alias teracy-official.github.io
  • add CNAME file with ‘teracy-dev.teracy.org’ content to teracy-dev/tree/gh-pages/CNAME

Wait for DNS change to be updated and access teracy-dev.teracy.org, it should point to teracy-dev/tree/gh-pages site.

There is a minor problem though: teracy-official.github.io/teracy-dev will not be automatically redirected to http://teracy-dev.teracy.org

If we configure the root domain http://teracy.org to map to teracy-official.github.io page, the link teracy-official.github.io/teracy-dev will be redirected to teracy.org/teracy-dev by github custom domain mechanism. With this approach, an issue is raised: it will also introduce more duplicated links between teracy-dev.teracy.org and teracy.org/teracy-dev. This duplicated issue should be avoided.

There is a workaround that you could use JavaScript location checking. However, well, it’s not flexible enough and does not work well with search engines.

So we decided to have a router on teracy.org by using nginx.

2. Solution with nginx server

2.1. Requirements

Actually, before setting up our custom domains, existing links exists and we have to maintain these by redirecting. We have these requirement rules:

  • By adding ‘teracy.org’ to teracy-official.github.io/tree/master/CNAME => by github mechanism:
teracy-official.github.io/* -> teracy.org/*
  • Our nginx rules:
teracy-official.github.io/teracy-dev/* -> teracy-dev.teracy.org/*

teracy-official.github.io/teracy-official-blog/* -> blog.teracy.com/*
  • Fix existing links by redirecting as these links are already indexed by search engines:
teracy-official.github.io/2013/08/02/teracy-hello-world/ -> blog.teracy.com/2013/08/02/teracy-hello-world/
teracy-official.github.io/2013/08/03/how-to-start-blogging-easily-with-octopress-and-teracy-dev/ -> blog.teracy.com/2013/08/03/how-to-start-blogging-easily-with-octopress-and-teracy-dev/

The detailed requirements are at: https://github.com/teracy-official/teracy-official-blog/issues/20

2.2. How to setup and configure nginx server

With the above requirement rules, this is how to configure our nginx server.

Create a new nginx host file at /etc/nginx/sites-available/teracy.org and symlink it to /etc/nginx/sites-enable/teracy.org with the content as below:

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name teracy.org;

  location / {
    # redirect to teracy-dev.teracy.org if match below regex
    rewrite  ^/teracy-dev(/.*)?$  http://teracy-dev.teracy.org$1  break;

    # redirect to blog.teracy.com if match below regex
    rewrite  ^/teracy-official-blog(/.*)?$  http://blog.teracy.com$1  break;

    # Otherwise redirect to blog.teracy.com
    rewrite  ^/(.*)$  http://blog.teracy.com/$1  break;

Just by applying rules from HttpRewriteModule 3, we could solve the problems easily.

That’s it. Have a nice day and happy hacking!

P/S: Sure that you can have many other solutions like Apache + Modrewrite, etc., but to us, nginx is more lightweight, simpler and flexible enough. We also use nginx to proxy and protect many other HTTP(S) resources for our projects.

  1. https://help.github.com/articles/user-organization-and-project-pages

  2. https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-a-custom-domain-with-pages

  3. http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpRewriteModule
