Teracy's Blog

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Sphinx-deployment v0.2.0 Release

After v0.1.0 release1 of sphinx-deployment, we’re making it better with improvements and new features for v0.2.0 release.

This release version includes an improvement and a new feature.

We improved sphinx-deployment by removing the duplication of git initialize step when $ make setup_gh_pages, this will reduce the time for setting up github pages to some mili-seconds, so it could be considered as performance improvement.

We also would like to introduce a new feature that supports Rsync2 deployment out of the box. So by now, you could not only automatically deploy the sphinx docs project with Github Pages, but you could also automatically deploy it with Rsync.

sphinx deployment is never easy like this, please head to sphinx-deployment project, then read the introductions on README file and you’re done.

And what’s next? For v0.3.0 release, we plan to support as many PaaS services as possible, the first one on the list is heroku. So stay tuned with our upcoming releases!

Have a nice day and happy docs writing!

  1. http://blog.teracy.com/2013/08/18/sphinx-deployment-v0-1-0-release/

  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync
