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Sphinx-deployment v0.3.0 With Heroku Deployment Support

After v0.2.0 release1 of sphinx-deployment, we’re making it better with heroku2 deployment support for v0.3.0 release. This release introduces some breaking changes and you should know to upgrade successfully.

sphinx-deployment is in active development phase and breaking changes are expected (you know, it’s still v0.3.0).

Simplicity is one of our development philosophy, and you could see it clearly with our following supported commands for sphinx-deployment.

Supported Commands

1. $ make generate

For generating contents, alias for $ make html

2. $ make deploy

For short-cut deployment, it could be $ make deploy_gh_pages, $ make deploy_rsync or $ make deploy_heroku basing on the configuration of DEPLOY_DEFAULT.

3. $ make gen_deploy

For short-cut generation and deployment: $ make generate and then $ make deploy.

Basically, you just need to know 3 commands above after some settings (with a little configuration and setting up). Until now sphinx-deployment supports github pages3 deployment, rsync4 deployment and heroku deployment.

Before setting up, you need to install and configure sphinx-deployment first, and then:

4. $ make setup_gh_pages

For the first time only to create $(DEPLOY_DIR) to track $(DEPLOY_BRANCH). This is used for github pages deployment.

5. $ make setup_heroku

For the first time only to create $(DEPLOY_DIR_HEROKU to track the heroku repo’s master branch. This is used for heroku deployment.

After setting up, you could deploy the docs easily with:

6. $ make deploy_gh_pages

For deploying with github pages only.

7. $ make deploy_rsync

For deploying with rsync only.

8. $ make deploy_heroku

For deploying with heroku only.

That’s it, very easy to use. This is the first ultimate simple sphinx docs deployment solution provided so far, we hope that you love it as much as we love developing and using it.


Are you using v0.2.0 and want to upgrade? Just install it normally with spxd.sh bash script and adjust a little the configuration with the following migration instruction:

  • Migration (from v0.2.0 to v0.3.0)
    • REPO_URL was changed to REPO_URL_GITHUB
    • $ make push was changed to $ make deploy_gh_pages
    • $ make rsync was changed to $ make deploy_rsync

What’s Next?

The next version we would like to introduce i18n feature and stabilize the project with improvements, bug fixes. Moreover, we’re starting sphinx-live-view project for easier docs writing, too. Stay tuned for our upcoming exciting features and projects.

Have a nice day and happy docs writing!

P/S: Remember to head to sphinx-deployment and read README for usage instruction.

  1. http://blog.teracy.com/2013/09/25/sphinx-deployment-v0-2-0-release/

  2. http://heroku.com

  3. https://help.github.com/categories/20/articles

  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rsync
