Teracy's Blog

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Teracy-dev v0.4.0 Release

About 1 year 8 months ago we announced the teracy-chef v1.0.0 release1 with a plan to extend it for teracy-dev. And today we’re very happy to announce teracy-dev v4.0.0 release, a really important release we’ve been waiting for after nearly 2 years of development. Why is it so important?

Easy Setup And Time Saving

Traditionally, setting up a development environment takes a lot of time to install the required packages and it also requires skillful developers to do it. Now with teracy-dev, its mission is to be an all in one development environment managed by Vagrant and provisioned by Chef. It’s easy and cheap to install the same development environment on all types of operating systems (Linux, Mac, Windows) by just following some simple steps with a clear guide2.

All In One Development Environment

You want to work with:

All these components are already available when you setup the teracy-dev VM.

If you want to have more, such as:

  • Java
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB

It’s just a few minutes to configure and enable these components to use right away.

We’re using teracy-dev everyday for all our clients’ projects and our internal projects with a wide range of technology stacks and teracy-dev makes our lives (trainees, QA engineers, designers, developers) easier to collaborate.


You could customize teracy-dev by overriding the default configuration on the vagrant_config.json file3 such as:

  • VM customization: networks, synced folders, memory, cpus, etc.
  • Enable/ disable or use different versions of Git, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Nginx, Apache, PHP, MySql, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Java, PHPMyAdmin, codebox.

If you want to have more customization, please follow: http://dev.teracy.org/docs/0.4.0/teracy_dev_development.html

How To Upgrade

We support seamless upgrade, these are the steps for upgrading if you’re using teracy-dev v0.3.5:

$ cd ~/teracy-dev
$ git pull
$ vagrant box update

teracy-dev v0.4.0 introduced a breaking change of configuration for the VM’s network4, so you need to adjust it on your vagrant_config_override.js if you’re overriding it.


$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant up

And you’re done.

What’s Next?

We’re going to back-port some stuff from teracy-dev to teracy-chef to make it modular so that everyone could leverage teracy-chef to setup their own development environment like we’re doing for teracy-dev such as:

  • LAMP stack only
  • Java stack only
  • Ruby stack only
  • Node.js stack only
  • Ruby stack only

The possibilies are limitless for everyone to create their own baseboxes.

By the next versions of teracy-chef and teracy-dev, we’ll support provisioning the servers with knife-solo5.

And we’ll also support many different types of operating systems for the base boxes, even with Windows base boxes.

We can’t wait to continue developing and releasing the next versions.

0.4.x Releases

This section will be used to announce v0.4.x releases and we’re very happy to announce:

One More Thing…

If you want to get our support, consultant or to develop web applications, please drop us an email at: hq[at]teracy.com to collaborate and get your dreams come true!

Or you could contact us via:

In the meantime, enjoy teracy-dev for all your projects and hope that you will love using it as much as we do.

Let’s get started: http://dev.teracy.org/docs/0.4.0/getting_started.html

Happy developing!

  1. http://blog.teracy.com/2013/09/23/teracy-chef-v0-1-0-release/

  2. http://dev.teracy.org/docs/getting_started.html

  3. https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/blob/v0.4.0/vagrant_config.json

  4. https://issues.teracy.org/browse/DEV-198

  5. http://matschaffer.github.io/knife-solo/
