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How to Develop Angular 2 Applications Easily With Docker and Angular-cli


This post is outdated, please follow the How to develop Angular 2+ applications easily with Docker, angular-cli and angular-boilerplate blog post instead.

Everyone who is new to Angular 2 usually has many difficulties to get started with it, even with the getting started article from the Angular 2 official documentation. That’s the reason why angular-cli is created to ease the pain. angular-cli is a great CLI tool, however, it takes a lot of time to get it working by installing nodejs and angular-cli. Luckily, we’ve created docker-angular-cli project to build a Docker image so that anyone could use it right away for any Angular 2 projects without the hassle of installing nodejs and angular-cli. This guide will help you get started in the most easily and convenient way. It’s assumed that you don’t need to master Docker but only require that Docker is installed on your machine and you could follow the instructions below.

0. Prerequisites

1. Init a new project

First, to init a new Angular 2 project, follow:

$ mkdir new-ng-project
$ cd new-ng-project
$ docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src -w /usr/src teracy/angular-cli /bin/bash

After that, you should be presented with bash console for the docker container. Use ng init to init a new project.

# ng init --name <project-name> --style scss

You should see the <project-name> yourself. By default, the style file is css. I recommend using scss extension for style files.

2. Add Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml file

Add Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml as I did with https://github.com/teracyhq/angular-boilerplate/commit/082a879c5df3fa0ae6ddc000d84512754b62a642

3. Note for angular-boilerplate

For easier setup with best practices, you can combine the 2 steps above (1 + 2) with:

$ git clone https://github.com/teracyhq/angular-boilerplate.git --depth=1 new-ng-project

More useful stuff will come to angular-boilerplate later such as CI, CD, production deployment, server side rendering, desktop app and native apps, etc best practices.

4. Serve

To start serving the web app, follow:

$ docker-compose up serve

and then open http://localhost:4200 to see the web app.

5. Test

To run the unit test with Karma and Chrome, follow:

$ docker-compose up test

and you should see the unit test running on Chrome browser pre-installed on the Docker image.

6. Exec commands

To exec some commands, for example:

for linting (code style checking):

$ docker-compose exec serve ng lint

or for installing more npm packages:

$ docker-compose exec serve npm install

or for running unit tests:

$ docker-compose exec serve ng test --browsers Chrome_no_sandbox

You can exec any commands on the running container.

7. Develop

Or if you want to open a new ssh session, open a new terminal window, and execute this:

$ cd new-ng-project
$ docker-compose run serve /bin/bash

and then you should see something like:

Starting virtual X frame buffer: Xvfb.
Executing command /bin/bash

And now you can execute any commands you want.

That’s it. Now you should start developing Angular 2 applications more easily with docker-compose and angular-cli by using docker-angular-cli.

You can follow the following tutorial to create a simple todo application: https://www.sitepoint.com/angular-2-tutorial/

8. Learn more

If you need any consultancy or outsourcing, don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re eager to build world class web applications for you!

Happy developing!
