Teracy's Blog

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Django-boilerplate v0.1.0 Release

Today we’re very glad to announce v0.1.0 release of django-boilerplate. The project was started since May 26, 2013 and after many iterations and improvements, it’s good enough to be shipped as v0.1.0 now.

django-boilerplate was created to “promotes best practices to organize and start any Django project.”

Currently, the project promotes a Django1 project layout that could be used and upgraded seamlessly. It uses files overlay upgrade strategy, which basically just downloads and overwrites existing base files. By using this approach, your specific project files will not be affected by each upgrade.

Moreover, the project also includes coding style checking (pep8, flake8, pylint, coverage, etc.), continuous integration build (travis-ci, jenkins). For more information, please head to its README file at https://github.com/teracy-official/django-boilerplate

There are still many things to do, we’re listening to feedback from the community and our usage to iterate for next version (v0.2.0) with improvements, rule violations reduction.

Have a nice day and happy Django hacking!

  1. http://djangoproject.com
